Companies that advertise as credit
repair agencies attempt to charge you for copies of your credit report are not
being honest. If you need more than one copy of your credit report per year,
then you may have to pay for additional reports, but this payment should be
made directly to the credit bureau. Many people believe that bankruptcy wipes
their credit report clean, but it only releases you from overwhelming debt. It
does not remove information from the credit report that led to the bankruptcy
in the first place.
If you have a past bankruptcy and you are
trying to improve your credit rating, it might be wise to contact credit repair
specialists that are associated with a law firm. They will probably be able to
offer more assistance than credit repair specialists that are credit
counselors. How can I repair my credit report? If any information on your
credit report is inaccurate, out-dated, unverifiable or misleading, you can
dispute this information. Credit
repair agencies can help you if you do not have the time or the know-how. An
impaired credit report will be scarred with black marks which every credit
provider is allowed to document, if you fail to pay.
These comments will have a very real
negative effect on your credit report, so it is vitally important that you
communicate with your credit institutions and seek an agreement that are
favorable to all concerned. Something like... would you agree to eliminate this
remark if you make regular, timely payments for a certain time. One thing keep
in mind, quick credit repair won't happen suddenly or the next day or in a few
days, it can take months or even years for particularly bad cases. The point
is, by using good advice and acquiring a great system, your credit report can
be rebuilt fast.